Curriculum Intent
At Victoria Primary, History lessons will inspire the children to become curious to know more about the past as an unfolding story. History lessons will help children gain coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world relevant to their lives and experiences. Children will be equipped to ask perceptive questions, challenge representations of the past, explore the ways in which it has been interpreted and represented and to analyse gaps and bias in books and resources. Through history lessons, children will develop an understanding of the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and the relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.
We follow the CUSP curriculum in History which is rooted in knowledge acquisition and ambition. The structure is built around the principles of advancing cumulative knowledge, chronology, change through cause and consequence, as well as making connections within and throughout periods of time studied. That means the foundational knowledge of the curriculum is positioned to ease the load on the working memory: new content is connected to prior learning. The effect of this cumulative model supports opportunities for children to associate and connect with significant periods of time, people, places and events.
Curriculum Aims:
At Victoria Primary Academy:
- Children will know and understand the history of these islands as a chronological narrative, from the earliest times to the present days.
- Children will know and understand significant aspects of the history of the wider world.
- Children will know and be able to use Tier 3 vocabulary such as empire, civilisation and peasantry.
- Children will understand historical concepts such as continuity and change.
- Children will understand the methods of historical enquiry.
- Children will be taught to place their growing knowledge into different contexts to gain historical perspective.
- Planning is based on the CUSP curriculum and is linked back to the National Curriculum for History. It allows for depth of understanding and opportunities to make links between learning in History and other curriculum areas.
- History specific vocabulary is taught explicitly and is displayed in all classrooms. This is linked to each area of History and is progressive throughout the academy.
- Historical timelines are displayed throughout the academy to document learning and moves through the academy with the children to enable them to look back at past learning and make links between previous and new learning.
- High quality books, both fiction and non-fiction, are used to support learning. These can act as a hook to interest children at the start of a topic or throughout to enhance the learning.
- Children are encouraged to investigate both primary and secondary resources which are used in all year groups to enthuse and support pupil’s understanding. These are progressive throughout the academy and allow children to handle, observe, record and explain findings using historical vocabulary.
- Where possible, trips and visitors are organised to bring history to life and enhance the children’s experiences.
- Pupils with additional needs are supported to access the learning as appropriate depending on their need. Pupils with physical disabilities may need access to specialist tools or resources. Some pupils will benefit from pre teaching of key vocabulary. Some pupils may benefit from additional time or support from an adult to complete their work.
Subject Leader
For more information, please contact the History Subject Leader:
Mrs A Reeves